Guest Work Exchange Program

Open Dates

Date and Time Details: 21 Days Minimum. 1 WK Trip + 14 Days GWEP or 2 WKs Trip + 7 Days GWEP

Location: Pucón Kayak Retreat

Application is FREE. Applicants will be reviewed for job details and receive followup GWEP position info.

Are you a trip guest wanting to explore Chile longer and economically?

The Guest Work Exchange Program (GWEP) is a solution offering regular trip guests options to volunteer work shifts in exchange for retreat staff benefits. GWEP’ers receive free camping or discounted staff housing, at-cost staff meal plan and kitchen access, access to adventures and transportation, and purpose via the retreat team community.

Join the team. These guys know how to lead a trip and revel in all it's glory.

Some GWEP Frequently Asked Questions. 

  1. Do I have to pay for a regular trip to qualify for GWEP position? Yes. There is limited space and work positions at the retreat.
  2. Do GWEP workers ever get for pay job offers? Sometimes. There are a number of guest work exchangers that got their foot in the door via working hard, being a team player, a keen spirit to adventure daily, and being approachable.
  3. How much will I get to kayak or adventure? We encourage GWEP’ers to adventure daily as that’s where all of us are most happy. When seats are available GWEP’ers are often invited on trips if they take care of work tasks in advance.
  4. What are GWEP meal options? GWEP’ers may receive staff at-cost meal plan or access to staff kitchen.
  5. What are GWEP lodging options? GWEP’ers may camp free at the retreat or pay for staff housing based on availability.
  6. What is the minimum time frame for a GWEP position? GWEP’ers are required total 21 days combined trip and work exchange per the following formula. 7 Day Trip + 14 or more Day Work Exchange; 14 Day Trip + 7 or more Day Work Exchange.
  7. Why do GWEP’ers have to pay for a trip? Trips have real costs. Every volunteer on the property also has real costs. To sustain a work dedicated guest servicing culture we have discovered that guests having experienced quality trips first best understand the service-culture needs of the retreat.
  8. What are some typical GWEP tasks? Unless you have a specialty skill like graphic design or artist you’ll likely work within one of the following categories: kitchen shifts, grounds and maintenance, or hospitality and cleaning services.
  9. Is there a way for me to be paid to lead kayak trips? Not within the GWEP positions. But if you are an influencer that has a loyal guest following you should consider organizing an Influencer – Signature Trip with the retreat infrastructure.
  1. Kayak Kayak Kayak – Kayaking everyday for a single week may not be enough. Many kayakers want more kayaking and more time to explore Pucón, but need the benefits of logistics solutions like transportation, community, purpose, space to live, and equipment.
  2. Save Money – Let’s face itTraveling solo on the cheap at the minimum requires lodging costs, food, and travel. And kayakers have a bigger challenge… getting equipment to the river. Or just finding like-minded kayakers to go kayaking with. GWEP is not free, but it’s certainly better.
  3. Gain Community Purpose – Many travelers don’t think about it consciously but imagine showing up to an international destination alone. Not knowing how to get to a river 40 minutes away nor kayakers. You try to bum rides with local guides but how do you think that will go?